work by wenyi chen

Graduates 2024: Wenyi Chen: Fine Art MA

“The University of Brighton was an excellent choice – it has great course tutors and a very sensible curriculum. Postgraduate study is not just a qualification boost, but crucially it allows you to plan your future more clearly and know what you really want.”

Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

Between 2018 and 2024, I took a series of black and white photos with a film camera to record the lives of the elderly in rural China. I try to capture the essence of rural life and depict it in a raw, unprocessed form, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and realism in photography. This series of works reflects my observation of the disconnected living conditions in rural China, and attempts to reveal to people the backward corners of the earth that are often overlooked through photography.

“I became accustomed to observing the customs and culture of rural Tangzhuang from the perspective of an outsider, and my sense of belonging was no longer as strong as before…”

The story behind my photographs in this series is that although I grew up in Tangzhuang town, I left to study abroad for many years. I went to London to study alone at the age of 15 and did not return to Tangzhuang until 2017. This time, I became accustomed to observing the customs and culture of rural Tangzhuang from the perspective of an outsider, and my sense of belonging was no longer as strong as before…

Photography above: 1. Butterfly 2. The old shoemaker 3. The old seed seller 4. The Dentist at Junction 5. Sandhill 6. Old Man Selling Seedlings 7. China Doll. 8. Chickens and Bamboo Cages.

In the photograph of paintings series, I use paint as a medium to explore the overlap and boundaries between painting and photography. I combine elements of photography and painting to highlight the connections and uniqueness between the two. This practice challenges traditional media boundaries and expands the creative boundaries between the two. Combining the unique qualities of painting and photography with each other, This exploration can highlight the complementarity and innovation between the two art forms, providing audiences with a novel artistic experience.

Photography of artwork above: 1. Tenderness II; 2. Mars; 3. Heart.

Can you tell us a bit about what brought you to doing a postgraduate degree and this course in particular?

My enthusiasm for Fine Art stems from the art class at my high school in Britain in 2015. In the first class, the teacher required us to draw lines freely, and the more kinds we drew, the better it was. Then, I realized art is dynamic and creative without boundaries. Though I am often full of creative ideas and passions, I am unsure how to portray them properly. Pursuing MFA will promote my understanding and mastery of various artistic techniques and means for my future art practices. Moreover, I am eager to examine the logic behind my creation through systematic art theory study and communication with contemporary art professionals.

The MFA at University of Brighton enjoys a high international reputation, excellent teaching faculty, and advanced facilities, making it the optimal choice for my graduate study. Its well-designed curriculum will equip me with professional knowledge and hands-on experience as an artist. Also, the MFA studio, adjacent to Edward Street Gallery, allows me to experience the charm of multiculturalism. Studying at Brighton School of Art will also enable me to gain profound insights and open my mind by acquiring and communicating with outstanding artists, curators, and ideologists worldwide.

 Can you tell us about your favourite part of your studies and how it helped the development of you and your practice.

My favourite part of studies are reconfiguring practice and consolidating practice because they integrate theory and practice, which facilitate my development of artistic skills and expressive capabilities. These modules also render me an explicit outlook of what I may specialize in the future.

Were there any staff who particularly inspired you?

I would like to thank my course leader, Amy Cunningham, whose rigor and tolerance for artistic innovation I admire. She cares about every student as if they were her own children. We are all happy to talk to Amy about our studies and even our difficulties in life, and she always does her best to help us and guide us. I am really happy to have met Amy as a good teacher, and I hope that if I am lucky enough to become a teacher in the future, I can treat my students as Amy does, she is my role model.

“I would like to thank my course leader, Amy Cunningham, whose rigor and tolerance for artistic innovation I admire. She cares about every student as if they were her own children”

What does Brighton mean to you now?

The little seaside town of Brighton is like a big conch to me. Every time I think of my time here, there is a gush of salty waves coming from the conch. I have made memories of my hurried year here, brief but precious. Because I failed to finish high school in England when I was young, and then woefully returned to China to continue my studies, then my life has been going round and round in circles. But the University of Brighton gave me a precious opportunity. Handed me that late piece that pieced together who I am now.

What are your plans after graduation?

I want to be an art teacher. The art education system in China is extremely stereotypical, and maybe I am not strong enough to shake the whole Chinese education system by myself, but I at least hope that the students in the class I teach every year, at least they can freely use their imagination to create their favourite artwork, and I also hope that they can be brave enough to be themselves.

“The University of Brighton gave me a precious opportunity. Handed me that late piece that pieced together who I am now”

Finally what would you say to anyone considering post-graduate study?

The University of Brighton is an excellent choice, with great course tutors and a very sensible curriculum. Postgraduate study is not just a qualification boost, but crucially it allows you to plan your future more clearly and know what you really want.

Instagram @wenyichen0121

Find out about Fine Art MA at Brighton

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