work by jac doe

Graduates 2024: Jac Doe: Fine Art Painting

“Having a studio space to develop and play out ideas has been fantastic. A zone designated solely for creativity where I can experiment freely, alongside discussion with tutors about what is happening and why within my painting has helped me grow rapidly as an artist, and more importantly searched inside myself for my own truth.”

Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

“My paintings are strident, playful, cartoonish- expressions of moments captured in staccato puppetry. Trumpet-playing shuffle-shoe’d actors, the morphing of characters in stories I do not direct. They are extensions of myself.

“Artists that inspire me include Albert Oehlen, Philip Guston, George Herriman who all use absurdity to challenge the perceived realities and break the rules.”

What made you choose your course?

“The Fine Art Painting course at Brighton University was an opportunity to investigate in detail the different methods and many possibilities of paint. As a mature student I had an urgency to express myself. The course has given me this freedom.

Can you tell us about your favourite part of your studies and how it helped the development of you in your practice?

“Well, having a studio space to develop and play out ideas has been fantastic. A zone designated solely for creativity where I can experiment freely, alongside discussion with tutors about what is happening and why within my painting has helped me grow rapidly as an artist, and more importantly searched inside myself for my own truth.”

Can you tell us about any staff who particularly inspired you?

“Chris Stevens runs the course with a generosity of spirit, and with thoughtful leadership has created a dynamic team. I think it is the combination of the tutors with their different perspectives that particularly stand out and make the course work so well.”

Can you tell us your plans after graduation?

“Next step – I have worked hard and laid down good foundations, something I can work with. I need my own studio and will do a Masters in London.”


Instagram: @jacdoe_

Find out about studying Fine Art Painting at Brighton.





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