Graduates 2021: Voytec Brodacki: MA Fine Art

The work of an artist is the ability to see and interpret reality.

What’s more, the artist is sensitive to the world, which he expresses through the creative process of his works. In my practice over the years I have worked with various fields of art, methods of working with materials and techniques. This has includied stained glass, installations, textiles, paintings and modern technologies, the latter two being the focus of my current art practice.

Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

In terms of my interest in using modern technology as part of my painting process, I don’t believe that the machine has replaced the human hand, (even with machine learning, we are dealing with the human factor). I am interested in how we leave the machine to the intricate world of algorithms that give us unpredictable results. My interest in modern technologies began with my experience in creating virtual reality (TiltBrush). Then I was interested in Augmented Reality, and now I am focused on Artificial Intelligence. AI is closest to my creative plans, but I always combine it with traditional methods such as painting and printing onto canvas. I think the art world is not and will not be ready to move quickly to purely virtual reality because our minds still think in physical space.

How have you found your course and time at Brighton?

The time I spent on the MA Fine Art course at the University of Brighton allowed me to develop many aspects of my art practice and    research. I developed reflective skills, gained the opportunity to create exhibitions with other students including displaying the works in a       Gallery space, developing my curatorial experience and organizing and installing the display of my works with other artist peers. Conversations, comments, suggestions from tutors, mentors and other students, meetings, contributed to the development of my art practice through reflective writing and by applying different approaches.

How did you choose your course – why did you choose to study Fine Art?

So why Brighton? I had visited a few University open days and each of them had something interesting to offer. However, Brighton impressed me with what I could call the magic of the place. My predictions turned out to be correct. Of course, the time of the pandemic significantly limited the possibilities of the full use of the entire university facility, but, paradoxically, during the lockdown this time influenced the development of my individual practice and the individualism of myself and my peer group.

What are your plans after graduation?

I want to develop my interests not only in my art practice but also in art theory. In the future, I also intend to write about art, especially about the artist-place-viewer relationship, based on empathy known as Eifelung (feeling into); I would also like to focus on the possibilities of using Artificial Intelligence in Art as an element of the creative process. In my opinion, you cannot cut yourself off from this technology, which will be an essential element for the GEN -Z generation.

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