work by josie durant

Graduates 2021: Josie Durant: Printmaking

“I chose Printmaking because I love print, I think its magical. I love the alchemy and I love the process-led way of working. The pandemic completely changed the direction of the practice, but I am still excited by the outcome. The course has been a very important time in my life and my tutors and technicians have been such an important support, that I am so grateful for.”

Hi Josie – please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

“I am mixed media artist and BA(Hons) Fine Art: Printmaking graduate from The University of Brighton. My practice utilises an expanded print language, through the mediated image. Combining traditional printmaking and photographic techniques with digital technology, I create immersive bodies of work which layer video, photography, sound and print. My latest series ‘Body of Water’ shown at The University of Brighton Online Graduate Show 2021, focuses on the tangible and intangible physicality of the body and water; as an exploration of metaphor for the experiences and relationship of body and self. The Body of Water explores the duality of body and being. I find curating with my own body becomes an exploration of wider connections to ideas of self-identity, states of being and anxiety around perceptions and representations of ourselves and others. This current work has been influenced by the installations of Phoebe Boswell and Victoria Ahrens. Both of these artists bring an analogue, drawn, printed approach into a digital sphere. This combination of digital and analogue used intimately, as a way to reach out and connect personal experience with collective consciousness, speaks to the materiality of my own work. I also found the beautifully intricate works of animator Lotte Reiniger a huge influence on my approach with my new moving image works.”

See Josie’s Body of Water installation:

How have you found your course and time at Brighton?

“Studying during the COVID pandemic has been challenging. I have had to constantly change and adapt my practice, with far more reflection than before. I chose Fine Art: Printmaking because I love print, I think its magical. I love the alchemy and I love the process-led way of working. It has been very difficult not having full access to the printmaking studios at the university, but I have managed to find new ways of working from home. The pandemic completely changed the direction of the practice, but I am still excited by the outcome. The course has been a very important time in my life and my tutors and technicians have been such an important support, that I am so grateful for. I feel conflicted when articulating my feelings on my experience of university because I feel there could be better support and recognition from greater management in this country, but on the other hand I have really enjoyed my time and my tutors have been wonderful.

What are your plans after graduation?

“Reflection seems to be key at a time like this. I am now going back over my work from my degree and pushing it further. I am currently working on new Soundworks to accompany my film (the online edit can be found on the online graduate show). I hope to show this work in a physical gallery space in the near future. I am also working on curating a physical show for myself and fellow Printmaking graduates which is very exciting. I have finished my degree with a strong and engaging practice and look forward to continuing it.”

Find out about studying Printmaking at Brighton.

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