Graduates 2021: Kynza K-j Fashion Communication with Business Studies

“I have learnt so much about myself both as a creative and a person and now feel so ready to go into the fashion industry.”

Hi Kynza please tell us a bit about your work, your influences etc

I am a Fashion Communications with Business Studies graduate, and for my final project I wrote, directed, produced and edited a fashion film entitled ‘Treasure’ which aims to elevate voices and tell stories of personal experiences of cultural identity.

‘Treasure’ seeks to feel relatable to those who have gone through their own journey and to inspire others who, like me, feel afraid to begin this journey due to their own traumas and fears.Also, to shed light on the topic to people who perhaps don’t see their culture as something to be considered, for example those who come from majority ethnic groups. It could also help young people realise the difficulties that arise from confusion, shame and other emotions regarding issues surrounding their cultural identity.

The exploration of my own cultural identity journey, as a half Moroccan and British woman, has been the driving force behind my Graduate Fashion Film ‘Treasure’ which looks at themes of homogeny, grief, sisterhood, otherness and exclusion.

However, my inspiration also came from a filmed interview series I made during my research, called ‘Conversations on Cultural Identity’ where I spoke to young people about their personal experiences of their cultural identities. Conducting these interviews inspired me to create ‘Treasure’ to tell their stories along with mine.I found comfort in finding a commonality between us all, despite coming from different cultural backgrounds and each with our own very different experiences.


How have you found your course/time at Brighton?

I have loved my experience of studying Fashion Communications with Business Studies at the University of Brighton. I have learnt so much about myself both as a Creative and a person and now feel so ready to go into the Fashion Industry. My tutors have all been really inspiring and supportive, allowing me to choose my own path, which has been invaluable and integral to the way I have developed.


How did you choose your course – why did you choose to study that subject?

I chose Fashion Communications with Business Studies because upon reading the course information, I felt sure that this course would teach me a wide variety of disciplines and allow me to specialise as I moved through the course. Being introduced to such a varied amount of teaching was important to me and I didn’t have to rush any decisions as I grew and developed. In fact the course enabled me to progress naturally, which I think is important as a Creative. Furthermore, the optional Placement Year included was a big draw to me and I ended up finding that to be invaluable, gaining work experience in both London and Paris. 


What are your plans after graduation?

I am so excited to be moving to London after graduation with a job offer in the Fashion Film Industry which I was able to gain through doing my placements, having really made the most of working in Industry for a year.

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