Graduates 2021: Ellie Yexley: Fashion Communication with Business Studies

“My work is multi-disciplinary but specialises in creative direction.”

Hi Ellie – tell us a bit about your work

I explore themes in my work through Styling, Writing, Branding, Marketing and Production. I mainly focus on sustainability and innovation, and my goal is to always inspire and educate in hope of a better future of fashion.


How have you found your time at Brighton?

I have found my time at Brighton University challenging but in the best way! This past year has been strange to say the least, but the way in which everyone was able to adapt to ensure our course wasn’t compromised too much was amazing. There has also been a real sense of community between the tutors and the students, and everyone was willing to help each other.


Why did you choose to study your course?

I chose to study Fashion Communication at Brighton because of the Business Studies part of the course and because of the optional placement year, which because of Covid I unfortunately could not do. The course stood out to me for these reasons because I was excited to learn about the industry from different perspectives to give me a wider choice of specialisms when the time came to choose my career path.


What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation, my plan is to find an internship or job to further enhance my skills and experiences. I would also like to meet new people in the industry and find my place.

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