Lockdown Observed: Becoming an Adult Without Leaving the House

Journalism student publishes book of lockdown columns

In a major achievement during this year like no other, Jenny Bathurst, who is studying Journalism BA(Hons) at the University of Brighton, has published a book called Lockdown Observed: Becoming an Adult Without Leaving the House, a collection of her weekly articles for Sussex Newspapers from April 2020 to April 2021.

Jenny, who is about the start her second year, says that thanks to the tutors, this year has cemented to her that journalism is something she is really passionate about. 50% of the profits from the book will be donated to Freedom4GirlsUK, a charity providing period products to girls in poverty here and abroad, and 100% of tickets sales from the book launch as part of the Festival of Chichester will also go to the charity.

Read the blurb from Lockdown Observed: Becoming an Adult Without Leaving the House:

“2020 was a year unlike any other. It turned our world upside down; it threatened everything we knew; and it besieged us with strange new words such as Zoom and furlough and PPE. For many of us the experience was quite simply overwhelming. With a popular weekly newspaper column, it fell to Jenny Bathurst to make sense of it all.

“With a growing online audience, from week to week she shared her thoughts and fears in a way which captured the imagination of thousands of people – and also captured a unique flavour of our extraordinary times. In this book, Jenny brings together all her columns from the year 2020-2021, more than 40 of her pieces reproduced exactly as they were published. In each she lays bare all the uncertainties of the moment and all the mental and physical challenges of that particular day.

“Together these columns offer a fascinating insight into the times we all lived through – and a precious record of the way one young woman coped with something far beyond our wildest imaginings. This is a book which will strike a chord with everyone.”

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