Graduates 2020: Erin Dapper: Fashion Communication

My work explores the cross over between video game design and fashion.

Please tell us a bit about your work, your influences etc

 I like to play video games and what they have to offer to players is phenomenal. I’m always in disbelief at the high level of coordination and creative talents to create one video game. Assassin’s Creed, Uncharted, The Breath of the Wild, and Horizon Zero Dawn are some of my biggest influences and my favourite games.

 My final project, called 2130, is a video game concept I produced and creatively directed. It is not a playable game. This project began with my desire to create compelling female video game characters, Avani, Enzi, and Sahana. They live almost 100 years after the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2130. I took this project as an opportunity to present certain world issues, including feminism, sustainability, lack of funding for the NHS, and the UK education system. Embedding these topics in a video game makes them less confrontational and will, hopefully, open up discussions and inspire change.


How have you found your course/time at Brighton?

I absolutely loved my course. Although it looks completely different from when I started, there was still immense support all the way through. I was always pushed to try new media, to question my process, and to not limit my creative thought. I feel very lucky to have been able to attend a university course at all but one where I was encouraged and praised for my work but still received criticism when appropriate. Brighton is extremely creative, welcoming, and a fantastic city to live and learn in.


What are your plans after graduation?

I want to pursue a career in the gaming industry, specifically in production. Video games are so exciting and have much to offer and that’s something I want to be a part of. Although I have experience in the fashion industry I don’t have any in gaming. My first steps will be to build up my experience, so I can be a suitable and confident candidate for a job in gaming. Doing a masters in game design is also something I have been thinking about!

See Erin’s website

Follow Erin on Instagram

Erin’s Final project

See more of Erin’s work in the Graduate Show 2020

Find out more about BA(Hons) Fashion Communication with Business Studies

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