Image show nine frames of perspex with decorative figures painted on the top in colours of green, white and deep red.

Painting graduate Miranda Forrester exhibits at FBA Futures

Miranda, 2019 Fine Art Painting  graduate has been selected to exhibit her work in FBA Futures 2020, the annual survey of contemporary figurative art being produced in UK art schools.

Miranda’s work ‘Naked Truths’ which will feature in what is the UK’s largest annual survey of its kind.

FBA Futures 2020, the contemporary figurative painting, sculpture and drawing by new graduates exhibition, runs from 6 to 18 January next year at Mall Galleries, The Mall, London SW1. Open daily 10am – 5pm including Bank Holidays. Free admission.

Clare O’Brien, CEO of Mall Galleries, said, “FBA Futures 2020 is comprised of artists who we hope will go on to shape the future of figurative art. They will join artists from the last seven years of Futures whose works are now in the collections of museums and galleries in the UK and Europe. This reflects the strong resurgence of interest in figurative art and especially contemporary painting, seen across the wider art market.”

FBA Futures 2020 is online at Prizes and awards winners will be announced on 1 December.

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