grand parade

Showcase your creativity at the Grand Parade gallery

Staff and students have an opportunity to showcase projects, ideas and discussion as part of an experimental programme in spring 2019.

The North Gallery will be used to present these ideas from across the University – and Ben Roberts, Artistic Director of the Theatre and Gallery is asking for submissions.

The showcase will run from 2 March to 12 May 2019 when the main galleries at Grand Parade will also be presenting two new commissions by artists Kannan Arunasalam and Fiona Grady.

Alongside these commissions, the North Gallery will host an experimental public programme focused on creative practice and research; the relationship between them and how galleries might be used to foster support and public engagement with them.

Events could include presentations, performance, talks, reading groups, workshops, seminars…there are only two rules:

1. All projects must be event based: this is not a chance to install an exhibition.

2. All events must be open to the public.

Events can be booked as one offs, regular meetings or over a number of days between 10am and 5pm during the course of the exhibition. Evening events can also be accommodated.

This project is open to everyone, across all disciplines within the University.

If you would like more information on the project or would like to book a slot please contact Ben Roberts, Artistic Director Galleries and Theatre

Bookings are taken on a first come first served and will close on Friday 8 February 2019.

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