darcey haynes at the bbc

BBC and Juice FM placements for Multimedia Broadcast Journalism students

Darcey Haynes and Zoe Thompson tell us about the inspiring placements they did as part of their degree.

Darcey Beth Haynes – BBC South East Today

“As an aspiring broadcast journalist within the field of political correspondence this experience was invaluable. The placement reinforced what we have learnt within our degree, – the running of a media newsroom was reflected accurately on the course and, because of this, I felt really well prepared.

“During the two-week placement, I was fully immersed in the production and running of the newsroom. Each day was different, which, though challenging, encouraged me to rely on my initiative. I spent two days “in the field” with broadcast journalists, set up many of their interviews and watched them perform their live pieces to camera. I spent a lot of time on the planning desk, and have learnt new means to source stories – which I won’t be sharing as a journalist never reveals their sources!

“I sat in the gallery to watch the Six Thirty News live broadcast every day which was exhilarating experience. I was so impressed with the ease in which producers resolved running order problems and other last-minute issues while keeping a cool head. It was incredible to watch and a skill that I aspire to gain.

“I spent a morning at BBC Radio Kent. This was wonderful as radio is a passion of mine and I have my own show on the university station. I was surprised to meet so many young people working for the BBC and it has given me hope that my goals are achievable. Two radio employees I met have offered me opportunity for freelance work with them next year, which is overwhelmingly exciting!

“Being immersed in the fast-paced, demanding world of news production was at times challenging, but positively reinforced my confidence in my journalistic abilities and confirmed my belief that this is what I want to do. I have learnt that there is no one path to reach my goals and I’m thankful for the opportunity – it has been invaluable in terms of networking.”

Zoe Thompson – Juice FM

“My placement was three weeks at Juice FM 107.2 in Brighton. I chose Juice because I wanted to experience working in commercial radio – I have also done work experience at the BBC, hospital and student radio.

“When I arrived, I met who was my line manager at Juice who assigned me an ongoing project for the three weeks. I would be creatings sweepers and jingles for their 00s/90s show, making three jingles for every year between 1991-2009 using voxpops I collected.

Some of them were generic, others more Brighton-relevant. I had a fantastic time on my placement and was so grateful for the opportunity. It wasn’t easy but I have quite a bit of experience in radio and working on solo projects for radio so it was a nice challenge for me.

“In his feedback, Alex said he offered me the placement because he knew of my experience and my capabilities – and I think that was what I enjoyed the most, doing something new that I had never done before. This meant I learnt a lot from my placement.”

Visit the Multimedia Broadcast Journalism BA(Hons) course page.

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