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Graduates 2017: Julie Tysseire

“Most of my work is created through sketches and drawing. For me it feels like a more natural process to take a pen and explain my ideas with a quick sketch.”

Can you tell us a bit about your work Julie?

“My final year project takes place in an abandoned building  in Newhaven’s High Street. My intention is to recreate a sense of high street / market place which brings people together by offering basic services which are no longer on offer within the town.

I started working on this design by creating very conceptual diagrams which helped me to develop a programme and a spatial strategy. As I use sketching as my primary tool, the drawing process of a project is the most enjoyable for me. Working through my ideas I have built up a collection of sketches for every stage of the project.”

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How have you found your time at Brighton?

“I have found the Interior Architecture degree to be very well run and organised. I particularly enjoyed this final year and feeling the excitement of the year coming to an end and getting the opportunity to present my work at the Degree show and Free Range exhibition in London.

Julie Tysseire

Our tutors have guided us through every project by pushing us to go out our comfort zone and always questioning our ability to produce more.

I have been able to develop a very personal style through the various projects over the past two years, as well as improving and gaining new skills that will serve me throughout my future career.”

Julie Tyssiere

What are you plans after graduation?

“Hopefully to get a job! We have two upcoming exhibitions which ideally will help me gain contacts with exciting practices.

I am also intrigued by the idea of exploring different cultures and learning their way of thinking in architecture and design. I left France two years ago to move here in England so why not explore a bit more of the world and apply to jobs in Denmark, Netherland or Italy?”

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