Installation View: Esther Teichmann Mondschwimmen Zephyr, Reiss­-Engelhorn Museum

Artist talk: Esther Teichmann, Wednesday 3 May, 5.30pm

Esther Teichmann, an artist who uses still and moving image, collage and painting, will be talking about her work at an Edward Street event which is free to University of Brighton students. In her art, Teichmann creates alternate worlds that blur autobiography and fiction – and central to her work lies an exploration of the origins of fantasy and desire and how these are bound to experiences of loss and representation.

In this  University of Brighton Photography and Photoworks event, she will talk on her approach to making work, the themes explored within it, her use of still and moving image and the techniques she uses for installation.

About the artist
Esther Teichmann (b Germany,1980) has lived in London since she was 18 and earned her MA and doctorate at the Royal College of Art. She has exhibited widely and a monograph of visual works, Fulmine, and a book of essays, Falling – On Loss, Desire and the Photographic, will be published by Stanley/ Barker in 2017. In 2013 Esther was a guest professor at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco and she is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of the Arts London and visiting lecturer at the Royal College of Art.  Her solo exhibition Heavy the Sea shows until May 2017 at Transformer Station, Cleveland.

Event details
University of Brighton, 154-155 Edward Street
Wednesday 3 May, 5.30pm,
Free to University of Brighton students – please book online and choose your relevant course from the menu
£5 standard /£3 concessions and Photoworks members

Book here.

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