
Join Helen Johnson at the Bevy pub in Moulsecoomb on the evening of 5th June for a talk and discussion on understanding, valuing and applying everyday creativity.

Valuing Everyday Creativity: Dr Helen Johnson

Brains at the Bevy, The Bevy pub, Moulsecoomb

5 June 2024, 18:00-19:00

Creativity is something of a buzzword – it seems everyone wants to be creative, think creatively, have creative employees, colleagues and children…

But what does all of this really mean? Who gets to define what is creative? What and who should creativity be for?  Should we be focusing on the links between creativity and productivity, creativity and wellbeing or should we be trying to nurture the development of creativity for its own sake?  Should we be funnelling money into ‘high’ art pursuits like ballet and the opera or into activities like community choirs and amateur dramatics? What about creativity within areas like science, technology, in the home or in nature?

Join Helen Johnson to discuss these questions and more at The Bevy pub. This event is free and open to all. To book your ticket, visit this page.

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