We welcome and encourage leadership development orientated contributions from academics and practitioners in the first instance in the format of an abstract of no more than 750 words.
- Please include a cover page including the title, name of the author(s), organization affiliation/position, contact address and email.
- Please specify the format of your contribution: Full paper or development paper or workshop.
- Please specify up to six keywords (this will inform the conference theming process).
- Please submit your abstract (no more than 750 words) to DLCC@brighton.ac.uk.
Abstract evaluation criteria – Proposed contributions will be peer reviewed primarily against the criteria of their relevance to informing leadership development theory and/or practice, and for their coherence, clarity and potential contribution towards changing leadership development.
Contribution Formats
Full papers – If you envisage writing a full paper for the conference these should be between 5,000-7,000 words excluding references and tables. Those papers accepted will be allocated a 30-minute slot (20-minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers).
Development papers – If you wish to test out an emergent/developing idea on a subject focussed conference audience, development papers should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Those papers accepted will be allocated a 30-minute slot (20-minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers).
Workshops – If you wish to facilitate an interactive workshop, please prepare a proposal of up to 1000 words. Please specify learning outcomes, provisional timings and if the intended audience is primarily academics or practitioners or a combination. Those workshop proposals accepted will be allocated a 1-hour slot.
Please use either MS word or a pdf format, Times New Roman format, size 12 font and Harvard referencing.
We will strive to theme related papers and workshops together over the two days. If you would like to propose a themed leadership development symposium within the two days this would be welcomed, for example, different contributions from a single research project or members of a single institution. Please notify us at the time of submitting your abstract and this will be contingent upon the other component contributions being accepted.
Leadership development pop-up sessions (open space) – We will allocate at least two slots in the conference programme for leadership development pop-up (open space) sessions. These slots will allow leadership development issues as they emerge to be explored within self-selecting groups, there is no requirement to notify us about these in advance given their highly emergent nature.
Submitting the Final Version of your contribution
Conference proceedings will be distributed at conference registration on the morning of the 13th July via a USB stick. If you would like your contribution to be included in these proceedings please ensure that you have submitted it to DLCC@brighton.ac.uk by Friday 23rd June at the latest.
We will produce a book of conference abstracts and a programme of sessions based upon the original abstracts accepted unless we hear otherwise. Please forward any revisions to abstracts marking them clearly in the subject line as revised abstracts by Friday 23rd June at the latest.
Please use either MS word or a pdf format, Times New Roman format, size 12 font and Harvard referencing.
Please ensure that at least one contributor for each contribution has registered to attend the conference by Friday 23rd June at the latest.
Key Date
- Finalized submissions by Friday 23rd June 2017
Please use the following shared mailbox for all conference related communications: DLCC@brighton.ac.uk