Peter Cragg

Pillarene update January 2022

I have updated my list of pillarene papers up to January 14th 2022. I am hugely indebted to Jean-François Nierengarten and his group who provided me with an extensive list including many omissions! This list includes over 250 new, and overlooked, papers since the previous update last summer.

Pillarene update 2021

I have finally updated my list of pillarene and related papers again. There are now over 1100 publications listed with more in press. I am excited by the number of new groups getting involved in the field, particularly in Europe, and colleagues may find this update useful when seeking out collaborators on research projects,

Pillarene update January 2020

I’ve updated my list of pillarene and pillarene-related papers to include those that have been published or are in press as of January 2020 – over 100 new references have been added.

Pillar[n]arene May Day update

To celebrate May Day I have updated the list of papers on pillar[n]arenes and related macrocycles. As always, please let me know of any omissions and I will add them next time.

Pillar[n]arene December update

Since I last posted an update earlier this year, over 50 new pillar[5]arene papers have appeared! The December update includes all that I could find but if I have missed any, please let me know!