LISTEN: Quizzing with your students

Simple quizzes can energise an online class. Here is some practical advice for injecting your seminars with simple quiz activity.


An example:

Slide 1:

Kotter offers an 8 stage model of change.
Can you unjumble the stages and put them in the correct order?

Enable action by removing barriers
Generate short-term wins
Build a guiding coalition
Institute the change
Form a strategic vision and initiatives
Enlist a volunteer army
Sustain acceleration
Create a sense of urgency


Slide 2:

Here’s the model with the stages in the correct sequence…

1. Create a sense of urgency
2. Build a guiding coalition
3. Form a strategic vision and initiatives
4. Enlist a volunteer army
5. Enable action by removing barriers
6. Generate short-term wins
7. Sustain acceleration
8. Institute the change

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