In this, I have summarised my colour strategy for the Final major project’s film series. I have visualised the colour flow and links between all three films, this summarises how the colours are considered from the background choice to the styling and props. This chart allows to identify how the colours are applied to create a consistant feature throughout the films so that they can be identified as a series opposed to three seperate films.

In the analysis I have also spoken about colour conistency and product reoccurance. In this I have applied the same colour strategy to a styling prop such as the sunglasses which will be featured in all of the films. The same strategy exists here in that the colour scheme compliments the styling but also has a steady flow throughout the films.

This strategy has been considered due to my previous research into films, their use fo colour as a key feature. The strategy is similar to the one seen in the Dior Handbag series as it they use a key colour for each allocated city the film is based in whilst also using the feature of the matching coloured bag.