Week 2 – Reflection.

Monday 12th February 2018,

From today’s lecture and seminar; along with the readings

Looking at the difference in being able to define each sector of a networked society which included, digital, integrated and interactive.

Understanding that social media is able to teach us more able our friends and family than they might, and the move people share online this would make them more divided in society, but it can be argued that privacy doesn’t exist anymore.

The first core reading was based around the idea that social transformation is able to promote the concept of knowledge societies rather than global knowledge societies. Whereas the second reading helped me know that the different kind of convergence would eventually merge into one supermedium.

This idea lead onto that daily activity can translate into digitaal date this will reinforce the concept that privacy will stop existing soon due to the fact that everyone online will be able to know what is happening in your life. I now know that even  though this can suggest negative impacts for multiple people, it can also there will be new roles for audiences to engage in different forms of social media interactions. Hence I believe that it could always be argued that there are numerous sources that of social media that could affect someone’s life either that be because of positive or negative, the idea of a digital detox could in fact help people understand themselves better due to not constantly being after likes and comments on social media to know that they’re being validated. –> “‘While technology shapes the future, it is people who shape technology,
and decide to what uses it can and should be put.” – Kofi Annan, United
Nations Secretary-General

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