Petra Collins
Fashion Photographer and Image Curator
New York

Petra Collins is another fashion photographer who’s work I have always admired and looked up to, to once become myself. Her work is a variation of different mediums, from photography, styling, model and film. Her style is very soft with bright colour throughout the images in the forms of light. Her main body of work is in editorials and advertorials. She has worked for many different magazines across the globe which is what every photographers dream is. Her layout was designed specifically for her and her work. While it is a simple layout I do like the design as it is easy to navigate around her site while always seeing her latest work.

The page above is Petra Collins home page. This is the first page you see her navigation or home bar is at the left of the page and doesn’t disappear. This way it is always clear too see where you are within her site. The second image is another example of a simple contact information page. It is very simple and contains her contact details as well as her social media links. While I do like this website design I don’t feel like it represents her well. As she is a very creative woman who uses a lot of colour within her work and this is not represented wtihin her website at all. But I do like how clear the pages are and the navigation of it all.