Goodbye and all the best

cover of booksforkeeps

This will be my last blog post for the Curriculum Centre, as I am moving on to a new role within the university. So here’s a quick look at what’s been happening recently in the world of children’s literature.

The May issue of BooksforKeeps is now available online.  This issue contains a particularly interesting article on the reading resources, activities and storytelling sessions that have been made available by authors, illustrators, children’s book charities and publishers during the lockdown period.  It’s well worth a read.

One of the resources mentioned is “Stay at Home Storytime with Oliver Jeffers”. Jeffers has been reading one of his stories every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6pm.  He also gives some insight into the story, explaining how it came to be and answering questions from fans. The Heart and the Bottle, The Way Back Home, Lost and Found, Stuck and The Day the Crayons Quit are among the stories read. These live sessions can be watched back on his website.


In other news, this year is a special anniversary for Pippi Longstocking, as it is 75 years since we were first introduced to her. Fans will be delighted to hear that Mini Grey has been busy illustrating new editions of Astrid Lindgren’s stories. Pippi Longstocking, Pippi Goes Aboard and Pippi in the South Seas are all being published this month. Mini talks all about her work on illustrating these books in this blogpost.

Finally, here are some children’s literature events that are coming up over the next few weeks.

  • The Shortlist for the Klaus Flugge Prize will be announced next week – on 19th May at 7pm.
  • Empathy Day takes place on the 9th June 2020.
  • Winners of the Kate Greenaway and Carnegie Medals will be announced virtually on the 17th June 2020, with the shadowing scheme to continue until October 2020.
  • The Reading Agency is running its Digital Summer Reading Challenge from June to September. It kicks off virtually on the 5th June with guest celebrities and authors.

So that’s all from me. Very best wishes to you all and thank you for reading these posts!


7 thoughts on “Goodbye and all the best

  1. Thanks very much for all your blogs, Laura – I’ve picked up so many ideas and really enjoyed reading them.
    Good luck in your new role.

  2. All the very best to you, Laura, and thanks for writing all these interesting and informative blog posts during your time with us.

  3. Thank you for your post. I had found the really handy at work. All the best for you new position.

  4. Hello Laura, thank you for all of these blogs – I’ve found them to be so useful! I’m not a student at Brighton – I actually teach English ITE at Roehampton! Thank you again and all the best in your new post. Kerenza

  5. All the best for your new role, Laura. I have always loved your blogs and your information has always been current and accurate. We’ll miss you.

  6. I want to wish you well in your new post, how lucky to have you! Thank you for your energy and support you have provided to our colleagues and students in promoting children’s literature.
    Very best wishes Pamela

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