chemistry@brighton Blog

A level Chemistry Conference 0

A level Chemistry Conference

Today chemistry@brighton welcomes students in the middle of their A level studies from across Sussex for a day of practical work and advice about next steps. We’re really looking forward to welcoming them into...

Hitting the high notes 0

Hitting the high notes

Proving that chemistry@brighton graduates are a multi-talented bunch, one of our graduates Debbie-Ann Ofosuware  School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences (BSc(Hons) Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences), and colleague Teniola Taiwo who graduated from the University’s Brighton...

red wine 0

Novel compounds designed and made by Chemistry@brighton researchers in the news

  Many students on the Chemistry and Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences courses at Brighton will already be familiar with the exciting world of small molecule therapies designed to slow ageing –through Dr Ostler’s (in)famous...

Careers Fair – Wednesday 8th November 0

Careers Fair – Wednesday 8th November

The University of Brighton is holding its annual careers fair on wednesday 8th November at the Amex Stadium, Falmer 11 am – 3pm.. Many employers will be there alongside guidance on options for further...