
In this blog, I will explore the possibilities of working with different composites, and research people who have used fibers and composites within their work. I will look at paper as an art-form and as a  structural form. Considering different weight, quality,structures ,transparency and biomimicry.

The origin of paper

Modern paper as we know it today, is widely recognised to have been invented by the Han dynasty Chinese court official Cai Lun in 105AD. Controversially archaeologist have stated that they have found evidence of paper making some 200 years before this, by Ts’ai Lun who was known to brake of the fibres from a mulberry tree and beat them into sheets.

The word paper derives from the Ancient Greek word papyrus, In Mediterranean cultures such as ancient Egypt the cyperus papyrus plant was cut into strips and woven together to create a thick paper like material.

Before pieces of bamboo or silk was used to for any written documentation. Silk being very expensive it was very limiting for most to have access whilst bamboo was too heavy and inconvenient for everyday use.



The Diamond Sutra of the ChineseTang Dynasty, the oldest dated printed book in the world, found at Dunhuang, from 868 CE

(google images)