Blending your teaching: creative, playful and innovative approaches to teaching

Blending your teaching: creative, playful and innovative approaches to teaching

Wednesday 21 March 2018 (TOMORROW)
Room 601, Watts Building, Moulsecoomb, University of Brighton

This session explores some engaging ways of increasing student learning through planning sessions around 15-20 minute blocks, and managing activities such as modelling with Lego, using Kahoot! on mobile devices, and exploring 3D objects and environments using Google Cardboard and Nearpod. Whether preparing for seminars, small group teaching or large lectures there will be some ideas for you.

Please click here if you would like to attend (open to anyone with a BSMS or University of Brighton IT account/contract)

Details of all training and development opportunities offered by the Centre for Learning and Teaching can viewed on our website. To access please click here.

If you are interested but can’t make it, drop me a comment below and we can explore putting on a specific one for BSMS educators.

Get interactive in your lectures – some helpful tools

It can be a challenge to keep lectures engaging and stimulating, especially when there is so much material to cover and the physical layout is not conducive to interaction. Fortunately, mobile technology provides some tried and tested digital tools that can help get students thinking and responding to your teaching.

They can be used in a variety of ways, for example:

  • Ascertaining what students know at the start of a lecture to direct your teaching for that session
  • Breaking up long didactic sections with a bit of interaction
  • Getting students to think and commit to a decision
  • Indicating students’ understanding towards the end of a lecture to see if they are taking in the learning objectives
  • Getting feedback on an aspect of the course or your teaching

Here is a list of some of these tools.  If you would like some help in trying any of these out, get in touch with the BSMS Learning Technologists Tim Vincent or CJ Taylor.  Several BSMS faculty are using PollEverywhere, for example, in their large group teaching – look out for future posts discussing their experience.

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