As we all know, Argos is a leading digital retailer, supplying regular innovative products to the digital world.Can you believe that in 2013 it was estimated, over 20 million people in the UK owned a tablet, around 30% of the population – I found these figures astounding! Argos have now decided to take a digital approach in-store, transforming the traditional experience. Subsequently, they opened 53 digital stores across the UK!
Argos quite clearly had some questions to ask themselves after taking an innovative digital approach to their brand – Would changing the look and feel of the familiar Argos store surroundings affect consumers? Would customers embrace the change or oppose it?
Here is a few words from the Managing Director of Argos and his perspective on the new digital concept store: Argos Digital Concept Store. Another example of a brand that have taken the digital approach in store is The Post Office – Post Office Digital Concept Store. Lots of brands seem to be taking the digital challenge and it is very exciting, as a consumer to see.
As a consumer myself, I think this an exciting step for Argos, digital is running the world right now so why not invest and transform their traditional in-store approach?! To help take this challenge on, Brandwatch Analytics stepped in and provided Argos with the perfect social listening page.Many consumers are comfortable and loyal to brands they trust, and therefore Argos need to ensure they build on this trust and introduce it Digital in an exciting way to maintain and attract new consumers.
Brandwatch allowed Argos to analyse the demographics supplied to them from the individuals who were behind the comments. Intelligent sentiment analysis based on a library of rules, created using Natural Language Processing, helped Argos understand the basic sentiment consumers felt towards the new concept stores
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