BBS Film Club

The first ever BBS Film Club Meeting is this Wednesday 11th November 6pm-6.45pm

Nothing to Join. No need to book. Just drop in. Students and Staff Welcome. Please support this initiative.

We are delighted to announce the launch of the Brighton Business School (BBS) Film Club to help banish those lockdown blues.

At each film club meeting on Microsoft Teams, which lasts for 45 minutes, we’ll recommend a choice of three short films to watch (you can watch just one or see them all).

If you have time, here’s a film to watch. It is called Appyness:

You don’t need to have watched this to come to the first meeting.

Then, at the following meeting we’ll get into our virtual critics’ chairs and review the films.

All films will be award-winning or award-nominated from film festivals around the world. They’ll explore different themes and many will relate to stuff we are studying and teaching at BBS. Comedies, thrillers, science fiction, surreal, and other genres. They’’ be movies to get you thinking, but mostly to entertain. Occasionally we’ll interview a director, writer or performer.  They are short films, around 15 minutes each.

This is a chance to meet students from other course as well as members of staff.

All staff and students are welcome to join in.

You don’t need to come to every meeting- you can drop in any time. You don’t need to sign up.

Meetings are fortnightly and we’ll watch the films, all on YouTube or Bobnational between each meeting. You can watch them on your own or maybe we can arrange an occasional Watch Party (which is possible on Bobnational.

Join the Film Club Team with this code: es2vkt5

Or click on the link here…

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