Facebook has been used as a virtually-free way of promoting businesses since they introduced their ‘like’ option in February 2009. Facebook describes their ‘like’ function as a “way for users to give positive feedback and connect with things they care about” but how useful are these virtual likes in real terms in the everyday running of a small business? The initial buzz of social media marketing has definitely died down with many small business owners deeming effort put into the strategy a waste of time. A recent study carried out by ‘Deal with the media’ reported to the telegraph, showed that 62% were uncertain, disagreed or strongly disagreed that social media has been an effective marketing strategy for their business. On the contrary hubspot blogs report that 92% of marketers believe that social media efforts have generated more exposure for their business. So why such disagreement on the usefulness of social media when it is clearly working for some? It is important to remember that a like on Facebook does not automatically result in a sale for the business. Small business owners are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the effectiveness of social media marketing but it that because too much is being expected of them and are they being engaged in the correct ways? It is important that business owners remember that it is not just that initial like that they must gain. Making the most of your Facebook page by keeping the attention of those who have already liked it is crucial to allowing the medium to achieve its full potential in helping with marketing efforts. Facebook has over 300 million members to date and with over 5 million users joining weekly there is surely still money to be made using the site as a marketing tool

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