If you need to look up something, the internet has a vast amount of information all at the click of a button.

From looking up tips to help you with your homework to speaking to your friends on social media, the internet provides a quick service for you to explore different things.

Below I have some tips on how to search online in a safe way and get SMART outcomes.


  • In your online searches you need to be clear with what you are looking for.  Always try to use more than one word to describe what you are looking for. An example of this is if you are searching for information on Eastbourne Pier, entering ‘Eastbourne Pier’ into the search box will better results than just entering ‘Pier’.
  • Make sure that you use the correct spelling for any words that you are typing into the search bar.  If you make a mistake you might come across something undesirable that causes you upset.
  • IMPORTANT – Not all of the information that you find on the internet is true.  Use other forms of material like going to the library to source what you need or asking your parents/carers or teachers.
  • Use filters especially if you are looking up a picture online. However, there could be a time that a bad image manages to get through your filters. Please be aware and search wisely.
  • Check your history or bookmark your favourite sites to make sure you are going back to the same websites.

  • Tell someone if you see anything that upsets you online.  Remember, you or an adult can print screen that page to report it.


According to the website Kidsmart, you can ‘visit the thinkuknow website and install Hector protector so that when you are searching online you always have a friend with you’.