I tired to produce some gloomy faces, using different materials, but using similar colour pallets.

I quite liked this image. The girl in the middle looks even a bit creepy.

I really liked the sentence: Welcome to the Lonely Planet.

I think the Earth is a quite lonely planet, because there is no evidence of links in other planets near it, so I thought the term “Lonely Planet, suits very well. I know there is a really famous book series for travellers has got the same name, but I don’t think it matters that much? I see the life as a long journey, so it matches in some ways.

One painting which doesn’t look that gloomy.

Above three images are form the life drawing sessions. I tried to use limited colours, and making some marks to make those figures look lonely and gloomy.

Making something not lonely to lonely helped me to create lonely figures.

I enjoyed my paintings with the water colour, and the collages didn’t work that well, so I just decided to stick with the water colours, and produced those little characters.