Hi there! My name is Kenny Chui, and i’m currently a first year at the university of Brighton studying Product design and tech, and welcome to my blog.

I’m one out of the three siblings in my family, me being the youngest, my brother kelvin next, and my sister Hannah who is the oldest.  Who were all raised by are magnificent parents, my mum Haile and my dad Ray. Growing up, I was always surrounded by hardworking, determined and kind people. Which has helped made me who I am today.

Picture of my family


I am hardworking, I don’t give up easily and I always try and learn, improve and grow as much as I can. I have various hobbies which includes gaming, basketball, drawing, listen to music and hanging out with friends.

My favourite video of all time is a speech by Rick Rigby, whenever I need inspiration, I will always watch this video. One of the quotes he said that really stuck out to me was “You are what you repeatedly do, therefore excellence thought to be a habit not and act”.


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