Author: Kenny Chui

Arduino – Buggy

This week we will have to uses are knowledge from the previous week on arduino to help create a buggy that is able to move/ turn. Where we are provided with two stepper motor, arduino board, a LDC screen, a ultrasonic module, a frame/ housing for components, a set of wheels and wires needed for this build.

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Arduino – Ultrasonic Module

This week we are introduced to ultrasonic module.

Connecting the Ultrasonic module pins/ wire on to arduino board:

  • Black (Ultrasonic module) – Gnd > Gnd (Arduino board)
  • Yellow (Ultrasonic module) – +5V > Vcc (Arduino board)
  • Blue (Ultrasonic module) – Trigger > D8 (Arduino board)
  • Red ( Ultrasonic module) – Echo > D7 (Arduino board)

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Arduino – LCD Screen

This week we are introduced to LCD (Liquid crystal display) screen.

Connecting the LCD screen on to the arduino board:

  1. Black (LCD Screen) – Gnd > Gnd (Arduino board)
  2. Red (LCD Screen) – +5V > Vcc (Arduino board)
  3. Blue (LCD Screen) – SDA > A4 (Arduino board)
  4. Yellow (LCD Screen) – SCL > A5 (Arduino board)

The Contrast on the LCD screen has to be adjust this is simply done using a blue trimming tool that was provided to us, and rotating a dial which is located at the back of the screen.

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Arduino – Stepper Motor

What is a stepper motor & their applications?

Stepper motors are DC motors that move in discrete steps. They have multiple coils that are organised in groups called “phases”. By energising each phase in sequence, the motor will rotate, one step at a time. (source).Where they can be used for many application such as CNC machining, 3D printing, Medical imaging machinery and many more.

There are four different types of stepper motor and they are permanent Magnet, Hybrid, 4 phase unipolar and 2 phase bipolar. for this week we will be using a 4 phase unipolar stepper motor.

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