3rd October

Its been a very busy autumn because I have been appointed as the course leader for a new course at Brighton University called MA Craft. I have been emmersed in ensuring the first cohort are properly educated and I have already fixed a date for their visit to our woods. If you want to know more about the course have a look at this website
Meanwhile lots happened on our Monday volunteer morning – John did some fantastic things with his chain saw. Ken erected some beautifully designed and made information posts and the team made good progress on the west pathway. Joggers and walkers saluted our dedication as they passed and the wood is slowly changing colour – everything feels less shiny.

John worked incredibly hard with David to make this saw ladder
John worked incredibly hard with David to make this saw ladder
Its quite an interesting design and should work well
Its quite an interesting design and should work well
Ken and his two dogs return after planting his new woodlanders information posts
Ken and his two dogs return after planting his new woodlanders information posts
The team are making good progress on the west pathway
The team are making good progress on the west pathway

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