
The notion of the screen has become a fundamental but highly distorted part of our daily reality. I’d like to think that screens are honest: tools that display representations of the world through pixels that form the images we create. However, there is a problem in the formal logic of data and code that means these insubstantial pictures are only ever an approximation, the assembly of information through a system of logic. The machines we create for these systems are attempts at making something in our own image. We call the microprocessor the ‘brain’ and say the machine has ‘memory’, but these systems are not like us, they are binary projections of ourselves, lacking human qualities of emotion and introspection.

Nevertheless, in the cold code of a computers system there is a characteristic we both share; our vulnerability to destruction. I am interested in the way destruction as a process, both mechanically and biologically can become an act of creation, highlighting the importance of failure, chance, memory and nostalgia.

By using physical processes that are analogous to the corruption of data, I search for concrete forms in the fleeting and ephemeral. Be it through tearing, sanding and scratching a surface to reveal new states in fragmented matter, or digitally disrupting code to create compressed artefacts of an image. The work is a search for the beauty in the broken; potential in mutation.