Drawing to Learn

Why does drawing matter?

Drawing and other visual methods such as collage have an important role to play in every discipline, not just those such as art and design with which they are usually associated, but in science, social sciences, clinical education and many other subjects.

Some of the most common potential functions of drawing include:

  • Observational drawing – to sharpen perception and make rapid and accurate records of key data in almost any situation.
  • Conceptual drawing and diagramming – helps students visualise ideas and processes, compare their understanding and develop critical thinking skills and  revise and reinforce their learning
  • Collaborative drawing and image making activities – can develop communication skills,  encourage reflection on experience, professional and personal development planning.

Drawing to Learn Resources for students

These resources build on award-winning projects and research carried out at the University of Brighton, and offer a range of ideas from staff and students for using visual approaches to support your learning whatever your programme of study, Creative activities can also contribute to general well being  So even if you think you can’t draw, or that it’s irrelevant to your subject, do have a go. For instance, you could try keeping a visual diary, make sketch notes or mini-zines to help capture key ideas or just take 5 minutes a day to focus on something new.  To view all posts in this category click the link below.

Drawing to learn Resources for Students

Drawing to Learn Booklets 

book coversThese booklets were written to encourage academic staff to make use of visual approaches in their teaching. Each title is addressed to a broad cluster of disciplines and offers a brief introduction to the ways in which drawing and other visual methods may be used to support undergraduate and postgraduate learning and research.

You can download the booklets via the links below.

We hope the ideas and examples will encourage lecturers and supervisors to explore the possibilities in their own teaching. Please contact Pauline Ridley p.ridley@brighton.ac.uk if you would like to discuss this in more detail.

Other resources

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