Colouring and copying

These activities are not just for primary school children – though there’s a good reason why we did them at school. The physical act of copying and/or colouring helps to reinforce and fix key information in your memory.

Copying  from a photograph or a diagram in a text book also helps you to focus on structure and detail, and prompts you to ask ‘What is this I am looking at? Why does it look like this? How else might it look? How does it relate and compare to what else I know?

CoColouring may seem less conceptually demanding but is equally useful.

There are some specialist colouring books such as The Anatomy Colouring Book designed for medical and nursing students.  See a review of this and other medical and physiological colouring books

If nothing similar is available in your own subject, then you can make your own. Copy relevant diagrams or maps from your textbooks, or search online for ‘line drawing’ + your topic – a  cheaper and more relevant alternative to expensive ‘mindfulness’ adult colouring books.

(First posted as part of the University of Brighton Big Draw October 2019)

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