International Office Blog

News and information from the International Office at the University of Brighton

Shi Pin

Shi Pin: how the Careers and Employability team helped me find a part-time job

I am a third year Podiatry BSc(Hons) student from Malaysia. 

People always say that a good CV is important for future job applications and one of the most important components in a CV is work experience.

During the first year of my Podiatry degree, I started thinking about getting a part-time job to earn some money as well as enhancing my CV. As I am an international student and not familiar with where to find a job, I thought about using the Careers and Employability team to help me. 

I booked an appointment to meet a Career Development Advisor for a one-to-one meeting. During the appointment, I spoke to Jayson about my plan to get a part-time job and asked his advice on job-hunting. He then told me some ways of finding a part-time job, such as:  

  • Checking local shops, coffee shops etc. for job adverts in their windows  
  • Working for the university, Sport Brighton or the Student Union.  
  • Or searching on Careers Connect, a careers hub managed by the Careers and Employability team at the university. Careers Connect is updated regularly by the Careers team with new job adverts. Students also have the option to sign up for Careers Connect email updates sending new job roles directly to you a few times a week.   

I followed the advice from Jayson and went for a job hunt around Brighton, I quickly found a part-time job in a Chinese restaurant. Whilst working at the restaurant I kept an eye on the Careers Connect and through this managed to secure a part-time role as a university student ambassador for my second year.  

Student ambassadors help prospective students and applicants to make informed choices by supporting recruitment, outreach and marketing work. The job includes supporting open days, writing blogs, and working with schools and colleges.  

I am now in my third year at university, and I feel very glad that I reached out to the Careers and Employability team and met Jayson. His advice in my first year has stuck with me and is still useful to this date.   

I would recommend anyone who is looking for a part-time or full-time job to seek some advice from the Careers and Employability team! 


Shi Pin Lim • February 28, 2022

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