Graduates 2021: Giulia Angelucci Fashion Communication with Business Studies
Italian Fashion Communication with Business Studies student writes about her practice as she makes post-graduation plans.
I am an interdisciplinary practitioner who approaches work led by curiosity and intuition.
I specialise in Creative Direction, Visual Research, and Branding, which are practices that I have been able to develop further within these past three years. I have also a passion for Art History, Colour Theory, and sensorial narratives, which inform most of the projects I undertake.
My final outcome, Allegories of Touch, is an introspective journey that considers Fashion as a practice of wearing and as a system of relationships. The project uses inner visions that aspire to provoke conversations around the symbiotic dichotomy between body and garment, the rational and the emotional, skin and fabric, material and product, societies and ecosystems. I was particularly interested in utilising the notion of Tactility as a means of exploration of the making and unmaking of garments, analysing it on both an individual level and a systemic one.
The project has been informed by the writings of forward-thinking authors such as Michael Polanyi, Terence Rosenberg, Dedier Anzieu, Elaine Igoe, and Kate Fletcher, to name a few. The research process has engaged in key debates implicitly and explicitly related to the topic of tactility and material cycles, touching on the themes of Tacit Knowledge, Affective Wearing, and Sustainability.
Garments are not simply visual representatives of culture, but they carry their own material culture within. For this reason, this journey is an exploration of why we wear, how we wear, and how does the need for wearing affect not only our bodies and societies but the system as a whole.
How have you found your course/time at Brighton?
I have personally really enjoyed the cross-cutting nature of the course. I have been lucky to receive the guidance of brilliant minds that open thought-provoking conversations and push me to fulfil my potential as a creative, and individual. I end this journey feeling very matured and more aware of my creative identity and my skills.
How did you choose your course – why did you choose to study that subject?
The choice of this course has been both obvious and complex. Being born and raised in Italy, I wasn’t aware of the existence of such thing as Fashion Communication. Since achieving my diploma in Textiles, I engaged with Trend Forecasting, which is the motive that pushed me to pursue a degree on this subject, and the reason why I am in this country right now.
What are your plans after Graduation?
After graduation, I am planning to remain in Brighton, and I have two great collaborations lined up with brilliant studios that are based locally. In the meantime, I am keeping my doors open to any opportunity and creative connection to come.
See more of Giulia’s work
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Virtual Exhibition (Passcode: Tactility)
Find out more about BA(Hons) Fashion Communication with Business Studies