
Update January 2021

Following a decision by the University to slash the size of the IT Support department by one-third, the University and College Union (UCU) is now fighting to defend one of its members from compulsory redundancy. The work he has been doing continues, but management plan to sack him and pay someone else much less to do it instead.
We do not take the decision to strike again lightly. Strike action will cause disruption to the operations of the University, not least to our students whose education has been affected already by the pandemic. But we cannot let University management handpick our colleagues for dismissal from their jobs by falsely declaring them redundant and refusing to redeploy them into vacant posts.
As University staff, our primary concern is the quality of your education. As members of a trade union, we have a responsibility to protect jobs and maintain standards and working conditions. Both of these things are under threat.

How Does This Affect Me?

Reducing the number of staff can only lead to a reduction in the quality of your education.

To take just one example, specialist Learning Technology Advisors have had their contracts changed so that they are no longer permitted to provide ‘student-facing services’. Previously your lecturers would be able to ask an LTA to run a training session as part of your modules. Because of short-staffing, this has now stopped.

Why strikes?

The University has refused to listen to reasoned arguments. The only means by which we can fight these changes is to use our legal right to strike. The University could end the dispute easily and immediately by lifting the threat of redundancy to our colleague.

What can I do?

As students paying £9,250 a year for your education, you have a right to complain about disruption to your education. You also have a right to a properly staffed and resourced university. Further information on this can be found on Brighton UCU’s website. The Brighton Student Solidarity and UoB Student Protest groups are already campaigning over these issues.

Student Resources and ways to get involved:

Brighton Student Solidarity Group –
“UoB Students organising for the interests of students and in solidarity with staff.
They are making a list of demands by students at University of Brighton, as shown in this image.

Screencaptre of the demands that students have to the VC of the University of Brighton. Follow the link to discover what the demands are

To add your name to these demands, you can sign the open letter here:

University of Brighton student support for i.t staff –
“Our IT staff are being threatened with redundancy at a time in which technical support is more vital than ever. For this reason, staff at The University of Brighton will be taking part in a strike during December. UoB students are here to support!!!!”

We all deserve better, we stand with IT staff sign

Teams Student/Staff Assembly –
A group set up in response to student requests to co-organise with staff. Use the link above to join.

Whatsapp Group
Run by students, no staff in the group. To join the whatsapp group, visit the Teams Student/Staff Assembly page and post a message in the chat asking to be added.
In solidarity

University of Brighton staff members of UCU

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