11th February  UCU elections Hustings

Elections for the highest lay office of the UCU are now open. You should shortly be receiving ballot papers for the election of the Vice President. Members of the National Executive Committee (NEC) are also being elected.

We are organising hustings next Monday featuring two of the candidates for Vice President. Jo McNeill will appear in person and Vicky Blake will participate via Skype.

The details of the hustings are Monday 11th Feb:

1-2pm, Falmer, venue Checkland A404

5.30-6.30pm, Grand Parade 204

Please try to attend a hustings, but even if you don’t, make sure to use your vote. A strong, healthy union depends on the democratic involvement of its members.

6th February All members mailing containing information on:

1.     UCU elections – hustings next Monday for Vice President candidates

2.     Consultancy Policy – the University is trying to impose unilateral changes

3.     Shrinking the University – is management planning redundancies?

4.     Workload implementation – latest news and advice

5.     Staff Development Review  – relaunch of the scheme

6.     Alternative forms of assessment – latest information

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