Joining instructions and programme

17th June 2019
Location: Watson House, Falmer, University of Brighton 9.30-16.30

Details of how to get to the University of Brighton’s Falmer Campus can be found here. As the event is taking place outside term time there are no parking restrictions at Falmer Campus.

Download this programme as a .pdf

Outline of the Day

Other than the required deliverables and the schedule of activity there are purposefully very few rules applied to the event, in order to enable innovative thinking and radical approaches to the curriculum.   Facilitators will keep your group to the scheduled timings.


Arrival 9.30am for 10.00 start
9.30-10.00 Registration and tea/ coffee available. Watson Building Foyer
Welcome, introductions, and instructions for the sandpit, Sir David Watson Lecture Theatre, Room 129
10.00-10.30 Welcome and Housekeeping: John Canning

University Alliance: Penny Sweasey

University of Brighton: Ruth Whittaker, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education and Students)

Context: Amandip Bisel and Jo MacDonnell, University of Brighton

Brief introduction to the sandpit approach

Initial Thinking and Quick wins. Rolling comfort and coffee breaks



11.00- 11.15




Group work: Getting to know the other members of group: (10mins) then each group to identity 3-5 ‘quick wins’.


Group hop. Pitch ideas to one other group, reflect, frame again and assess. Other groups provide ‘critical friend’ feedback on the pitch and generate questions for team to consider.


Plenary: each group to present their ‘quick wins’ for 2 minutes.

Defining priorities
11.45-12.45 Drawing on what you have done so far, discuss and share experiences to define a proposal for a more radical change to your curriculum and its delivery that can be implemented by 2020 . . .  A change that will ensure that the BAME attainment gap is directly challenged.
12.45-13.00 Plenary 12.45. Each group will present a 2 min ‘elevator pitch’ to the rest of the participants on their outline proposal.
Working Lunch**
13.00-13.30 You can choose to keep working over lunch. This can be an opportunity to come up with some actions to address your priorities and develop your proposal into a fleshed-out action plan.
Developing Strategic Thinking
13.30-14.30 Group work. Before the presentation we recommend you have considered these design prompts:

● What aspect of embedding inclusive practice will it address?

●  Who is the intervention aimed at (e.g. year 1, final year etc.)?

●  What are the aims of the intervention?

●  How will it impact on student experience / outcomes?

●  What do you need to do to make this happen?

●  How will you know if it is successful – what will change look like?


Group presentations
14.30-16.00 Group presentations (max 10-12 minutes per group) using Criteria Sustainability of the proposal in terms of:

1.         Coherence of idea – does it make sense?

2.         Impact – addresses the core concerns most effectively

3.         Scalability – can be applied in a range of contexts

16.00-16.30 Crowdsource the priorities – vote as a group for the priorities for TEA.

What happens next?

Concluding remarks and end of session


**Lunch and refreshments will be available from the Watson café between 10.30 and 14.30. There will be no charge for sandpit delegates.

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