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26th feb – I missed the first session due to reasons but checked student central later in the day to find out what we were doing this week.

The page covered the basic theory of electronics design but the tasks which they applied to weren’t something i could start imeditly as i required being hands on using a breadboard to prototype a simple circuit.

27th Feb – I went as soon as possible to see des and explain my absence the day before aswell as asking about what i missed and where i could get the recourses i would be using this week.

He told me all nessary information was on student central and it would be useful if i asked my fellow student for there help. he also told me that it would be good for me to really work hands on with this project and get some outcomes even if they’re just basic.

I also found that i could go to lab for a bread board and other components and make the circuits in the labs there. other then that i got given a small kit that i could solder and tried to find some people that would help me tomorrow when i plan to make the circuits.

i was unsuccessful…

28th Feb – when possible i made my way to the uni labs and got the stuff and started working on a basic circuit.  as i was unsuccessful in finding help i used what was on the page to make the basic circuits i was quite peculiar but i could use the diagrams as reference and look things up when needed.

the 1st circuit went well but there was only one button around making it not possible to do what others did by anding more LEDS and working them independently.

so i moved onto soldering the kit des gave, soulding wasn’t to difficult but rather holding the components in the place was the problem

issue – i dint have enough hands to hold the components together and solder neatly so i ended up resting the pieces on each other to keep them in position, this left them at odd angles making the circuit not as clean as it could be.

29th Feb – not much could be done out of uni so i added and cleared up the website.

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