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1st Apr – The project this week is CNC machining and moulding and casting. were in the same scenario as last week so the 1st thing to do is some research. I’ve had experience with CNC before making a storage rack in DP402.
When i Made that project it set up a DXF in by mocking up the parts in Soildworks then taking them into illustrator to work out there positing and slot tool-paths. to make it i took that DXF from illustrator and loaded into Cut2D an program that allows you to set the toll paths the milling machine will follow.
What i’m doing for this project will be different however as ill be using fusion and wont actually make anything as of the current situation. But I wanted to know Some of the technicalities what could influence my work this week so I watched a video on CNC milling.
2nd Apr – started working on the task of creating a 30x30x5 mini tile mocking up a sketch of it so I had something to work off in my next step of taking it to fusion.
Chocolate Q tile – Sketch
3rd Apr – I’ve moved onto Fusion now making the tile I mocked up
4th Apr – I continued and made the tool-path on fusion and set it so the tile was cut out of a solid block (50x50x10mm) using a 3mm flat or ball-nose end mill. It’s best to be oriented with the front view being the top of your part. All step-downs should be 1mm and stepovers should be 1.5mm as outlined on student central.
I’ve now moved onto making the mould toolpath on fusion as. I don’t really have a clue on how ill make the mould at the moment so ill check out student central.