The rock and roll past of Clevedon Pier in Somerset is highlighted in a brand new BBC feature on The Inside Out show.

Based on the research of The People’s Pier project and archive footage the programme traces the history of the ‘Nissen Hut’ dance hall, the introduction of the jukebox and has tracked down some locals who used to dance of the pier, to give a first hand account of what it was like in the 1940s, 50s and 60s – and show their dance moves.
Our Dr Nick Nourse speaks to Broadchurch actor Joe Sims about youth culture on the pier, highlighting the research done on the history of the dance hall building but also how our research has shown that particularly in the late 1950s and early 1960s the pier was a magnet for teenagers and Teddy boys and girls.
The film was shown on BBC One in the West on 11th Sep and is currently available to watch for another 30 days on the BBC iPlayer.