The Birth Space

The birth space is crucial. It has the power to inspire or intimidate, and is the space that holds you physically and figuratively as you journey through labour and birth and into parenthood. This project has explored the dynamic interaction between person and place, and how the birth space itself has the power to transform the birth experience.

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One thought on “The Birth Space

  1. Wow, it’s so comforting to find your website which is spot on with how I’ve been feeling. The birth space and care I received was very traumatic and although the birth might appear to have been a success (natural vaginal birth with no meds and healthy baby) I feel abused.

    I’ve been thinking of studying as an OT specialising in maternity so that I can help change this for future mothers. If there is any way I can support your project please let me know.

    Last night I wrote this poem:

    The birth of my second baby

    My experience is so precious to me
    Birthing myself as a mother
    Although I stepped so carefully
    To the experience I had to surrender

    Others around trying to keep us safe
    But the support did not quite fall into place
    So many things could have been better
    And so many things we didn’t remember

    I was so ready
    and knew how to birth
    But the environment around
    left a trauma reverb

    If only this was… if only that happened …
    If only the midwife had known my intentions
    We were well supported physically
    But our emotional and spiritual needs treated carelessly
    There were things from my first birth I took for granted
    And looking back that birth was more what I wanted

    Many things I wish I requested
    But every ounce of me
    directed to the powerful process of birthing my baby
    In that vulnerable state
    I couldn’t communicate or advocate
    I had to concentrate

    And when he arrived I held him alone
    Why does this experience shake me to the bone
    In that powerful moment I wanted to feel
    That his father was there as part of the deal

    When his dad arrived moments after
    The wonder was felt, and there was even some laugher
    It’s that time I want to imprint in my memory
    Those first precious moments we held him together
    Sharing the enjoyment of his noises, smells and his aura

    Why does this event where I was so strong
    Leave me with feelings of weakness and wrong
    I wish I could try it again
    Just have another go and maybe then
    I can heal this pain
    I’ll forget all this anger
    Able to enjoy these first months with my baby fully
    Without anxiety, without worry

    I know my family is complete
    Another birth will not be the path for me
    Maybe in some way I can help some other mothers, my sisters
    Support them to birth and hear their inner whispers

    I’m tiered of the trauma pulling at me
    The present, right now
    it’s where I want my focus to be
    In this moment I’m lying in bed awake
    my precious sleeping baby beside me

    Our lives together are open to possibly
    And that birthing moment is just the start of our journey
    We will be defined by our courageous love
    Which oozes out each time we hug

    And each time we connect I feel the love grow
    And I know one day I won’t feel such woe
    I’m finding a path to move through this pain
    To a place where I can feel at peace again

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