Human Rights

woman holding up a sign saying human rights

“Obstetric models of care can either protect or violate the fundamental human rights of the women they serve.

The care that women receive during pregnancy and childbirth intersects with the rights to physical integrity, self-determination, privacy, family life, and spiritual freedom”.

Human rights in childbirth

Women and birthing people’s rights are human rights, and that continues into childbirth. In many countries, women and birthing people are discriminated against, they are not cared for properly during birth and this can lead to obstetric violence, abuse, neglect and post-traumatic stress disorder and post-natal depression. It is our job as health care professionals to provide a safe and trusting environment for women and birthing people and to take measures that will prevent these things from happening to them.

Further research:

Human rights in childbirth, narratives and restorative justice: a review

WHO: Prevention and Elimination of disrespect and abuse during childbirth

International Day of Action for Women’s Health

International human rights and the mistreatment of women during childbirth

(Written by Beth Hart August 2020)

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