This morning I attended LSI for an observation with a cheerful Anna. Anna had explained, you can see from the documentation, [follow the links below] that Friday’s lesson would be a revision of the week’s grammatical forms. Anna had been aiming to consolidate conditional forms and prepositional phrases. However a slight change of plan meant that Anna was exclusively looking at prepositional phrases. To warm the students up Anna had organised some speaking activities. Anna had chosen two topics to talk about in any one set of the speaking exercises and students were asked which subject they preferred and joined group A or B as to their preference. The groups each spoke on different sides of the classroom relating to which topic they had chosen. They had no difficulty speaking without the teacher’s help. Anna was careful not to interrupt the students and as a consequence encouraged fluency in speaking.
Please follow the links below for a copy of Anna’s plan and materials as well as my observation notes.
Lesson plan A Nizametdinova 12th Feb
Anna’s classroom had two rows of tables, shown in my peer observation sheets, with each chair facing a computer screen. My first thoughts about the classroom was that students would not be able to see the board without craning their necks. However, there was also a television screen and one can only assume that if the students faced the screen they would be watching and listening as opposed to writing or looking at their notebooks. Students were encouraged to stand during speaking exercises and the layout of the classroom meant that, even when all the students were talking together, the noise levels were low. There was no echoing effect and so students were able to hear each other, an excellent choice of seating arrangement.
there was also a television screen and one can only assume that if the students faced the screen they would be watching and listening as opposed Link