Online Portfolio/Website

After looking at some online websites I started to create my own website using Wix, as I found this platform very easy to use. The layout that I created was heavily inspired by Alexandra Leese and also Dafy Hagai’s websites. I decided to choose a scrolling gallery for the front page, where I have shown one image from each image, where you can click and it takes you to that particular project.

I decided to keep my branding very minimal with just a simple white background, and simple black font. The font I chose was ‘Work sans extra light’, and I added some spacing to my name, to divert it from the original font and make it more unique. I also decided to have my menu along the top, as I found this to be the most simple and easy way to navigate the website. I seperated my work into projects and also added an ‘about’ and ‘contact’ page. On the contact page I also added my Instagram account so it is easily accessible. I also added small social media handle symbols along the bottom, to give direct links to my other online platforms.

Overall I am extremely happy with my online website as I feel that it is very contemporary, modern, and easy to navigate.

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