Trekstock – Evaluation

Producing a fundraising strategy for Trekstock was a great way to explore the field of PR more as well as photography and styling. Trekstock is a very current and refreshing charity who targets the same demographic that I fall into. As I have been in the situation where somebody I am close to has had to deal with the effects of cancer in their family, I understand just how sensitive and emotional the process is. For this reason, from the beginning I knew I wanted to create a campaign that was modern, uplifting and just all round fun.

My initial idea was extremely simple and heavily inspired by the already existing Trekstock campaign that is the Everpress 50/50 t shirts. The concept for the idea was to produce t shirts that had illustrations from different popular meme’s on them. To differ from already existing similar products, the illustrations would be simplistic and trendy, rather than just printing a picture onto a t shirt. After exploring this idea further, I decided that it was too similar to what had already been done, and was too simple.

I wanted to keep in with the theme of using meme’s as the root of the strategy, as I feel that this is a huge trend on social media and it is what the target demographic are interested in, as well as being fun and simple. The concept is to team up with Cheap Monday, to create a small limited edition clothing line in which 25% of the proceedings would go to Trekstock. As well as this, I intend to have a competition where you donate £2 or more to Trekstock to enter your own meme’s, and the best meme wins a £200 gift voucher for Cheap Monday. I chose this clothing brand, because it is a young and trendy brand that would grab Trekstock’s demographic attention, and as they have not done teamed up with a charity as of yet, I would hope that they would be interested in the collaboration for either free or a small sum of the budget.

My final outcome was a mini look book/leaflet showing the mini collection that would be used as promotion for both the clothing line, and the competition. These would be sent out with Cheap Monday delivery parcels before and during the competition, targeting the demographic directly. As well as this, it could also be placed in universities, coffee shops, and other local places. The budget given was £10,000 and as budget isn’t something I had ever done before, or ever had to be aware of, I made rough estimates as to where the money would go. I decided to allot £5000 of it to the production of leaflets; everything from the photoshoots, to the postage costs would come under this. For promotion and social media advertising, I allocated £4800. Social media advertising doesn’t have a specific cost and it is mostly done by bidding. The more you’re willing to pay, the more people will see your advert. The last £200 were left for the winner of the prize for the competition. Overall the idea is to create profit by the sales made from the limited edition collection, and also from the competition. Alongside this, Trekstock would create and post their own wellbeing/health related meme’s stamped with the Trekstock logo, raising awareness for their brand.

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