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Monki is a fashion brand that started in 2006. Over the last 10 years it has grown immensely. The clothes they supply are contemporary and cool consisting mainly of wide leg trousers, baggy jumpers, and a tailored style. This kind of store is a shop that our target demographic would shop in, so we are creating an advertorial for our magazine featuring the same vibes that Monki already portray. The images above are taken from their website. They all have a bright bold colour as a backdrop which is an aspect we aspire to keep the same as it creates a fun and young atmosphere. They also tend to use a diverse range of models from all different races. I like that the backdrop is plain as it doesn’t take away from what we are supposed to be focusing on which is the clothing.

“Celebrating our 10th b-day by putting our foot down and our banners up! ”

Monkifesto was the Monki way to celebrate being successful for 10 years. The manifesto is to voice the issues that have always & continue to be around for women. Topics such as periods, masturbation, LGBT rights and body positivity are spoken about and shown through a series of pictures.

For this reason and many others is why Monki is a chosen retail store for our chosen demographic.

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