English Language Teaching Materials

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Materials Evaluation | The Framework of Evaluation

What is being evaluated? When and how the evaluation is carried out? Who is going to evaluate? What kind of evaluation criteria will be used? The materials evaluation seminar (week3) was a good opportunity to ‘act as if a material evaluator’. Like almost all Japanese teachers do, I used a coursebook that is approved by…

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Is It Magic?

You will be surprised that when you scan an image with your mobile phone, it shows you another world on your mobile screen, like magic. This is known as ‘Augmented Reality‘. As I wrote in my previous post, I would like to share my reflection of Paul Driver’s workshop on February 13th, 2016 again. In…

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EdTec in ELT

The Educational Technology (EdTec) workshop: “Interfacing with Public Space: Embodied language learning with mobile technologies” by Paul Driver, February 13th, 2016 As I have tagged all places where I have been and all cafes and restaurants where I had a meal on my mobile phone’s Google map app, I can remember locations, surroundings and how…

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